Need some inspiration?
With easy-to-make-up models, our make-up tutorials will guide you step by step to transform yourself in just a few minutes.
Do your kids like to play at being knights in shining armor? Or do they imagine themselves as masked avengers from the far reaches of the galaxy? If so, you've come to the right place! Blushes, pencils, hair mascaras and even tattoos - all the products you need to achieve the most beautiful superhero make-up. New missions already await these big-hearted vigilantes! En savoir +
In the galaxy of cosmetics lies the planet Cosmebio. This is where the Namaki cosmonauts want to land as often as possible. To get there, they don't hesitate to create, modify and innovate their product formulations. Only products that respect the health of users, animals and nature can earn their passport and get there. This is the case for all superhero make-up products. They combine ingredients of natural origin (between 99% and 100%) with organic farming (from 10% to 66%), earning them the Cosmos Organic label.
Children's imaginations know no bounds, and neither does outer space. But before you can take off and cross a meteorite field, you need to don your android knight's armor. Nothing could be simpler. The color-matched blushes in the Intergalactic Worlds collection allow you to create your own masks for your children's faces. Pencils with precise lines can also help you draw a complete make-up. To show off the hero's character, think hair mascara. A simple brushstroke and a red, green or blue strand appears. And since even robots and heroes can be elegant or sentimental, don't forget the little tattoo in the shape of a constellation, shooting star or space cat. Voilà, 3... 2... 1... Take off and have a good trip !
We've selected some other products you can use to make your superhero look like no other. For example, if you don't have the time to choose your products one by one, you can opt for the Namaki Box Intergalactic Worlds.
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