Tiger Cuff tutorial

Easy level ⭑

Follow this tutorial to create a real Tiger's paw on your arm! It's easy to become the King of Animals.

Step-by-step Tiger cuff tutorial

Step 1

Create database

Take a thick brush. Take some orange blush. Apply all over your forearm, leaving a space in the center. Rinse brush. Take some white blush. Fill in the central area. Blend orange blush with white blush using the latex sponge. Rinse brush. Pick up yellow blush. Apply a wide stroke of yellow blush on the right-hand side of the white blush and blend.

step 1 tiger uai cuff
step 2 tiger uai cuff

Step 2

Drawing claws

Use a finer brush. Pick up some more white blush. Draw a diamond shape representing the giffre at the beginning of each finger. Using an even finer brush, pick up some black blush. Draw the outline of each claw.

step 3

Finalizing make-up

On the forearm, draw tiger stripes. Don't forget to apply Coral varnish to your nails for a wild look right down to your fingertips!

step 3 tiger uai cuff
blue trace