Spider Makeup tutorial

Easy level ⭑

This Halloween, get ready to weave a spooky web with our Spider tutorial. In just 3 easy steps, become the scariest creature on the block!

Step-by-step spider makeup tutorial

Step 1

Drawing the spider's web

Moisten brush. Pick up some white blush. Draw 3 lines from the top of the forehead, meeting between the eyebrows. Draw 2 horizontal lines from the end of the 3 previous lines (to form 2 triangles). Still using the white blush, draw 2 lines on each side of the face, from the end of your triangles, down to the middle of the cheeks. From this base, draw white lines to continue building the spider's web.

children's spider makeup tutorial

Step 2

Drawing spiders

Rinse the brush. Take the black blush. Draw two circles on the cheekbones and in the middle of the eyebrows to form the spider's head and body. Add legs.

blue trace